In Ayurveda Latakaranja refers to plant Caesalpinia bonduc. This plant is an extensive, shrubby, wild, perennial climber. It is distributed throughout tropical parts of India. For medicinal purpose, Seeds, nuts, root, bark, and leaves are used. The various part of plant exhibits antiperiodic, antispasmodic, anthelmintic and febrifuge properties.

Latin name:Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb.) Synonyms — Caesalpinia bonducella (L.) Fleming, C. crista auct. Amer., Guilandina bonduc L., G. bonducella L.
Vernacular name:
- Sanskrit/Indian name:Putikaranja, Pootikaranja, Latakaranja, Kantaki Karanja
- English:Bonduc Fruit, Fever Nut, Physic Nut
- Bengali:Kaantaa Karanjaa, Naataa, Naataa Karanjaa
- Gujrati:Kaanchakaa, Kaanka, Kachka
- Hindi:Karanja, Karanjuaa, Kaantaa Karanj
- Kannada:Gajjike Kaayi, Gajkai
- Malayalam:Kalamchikuru, Kaalanchi, Kazhinch - Kai
- Marathi:Saagar gotaa, Gajarghotaa, Gaajagaa
- Oriya:Kotokolejaa
- Tamil:Kajha shikke, Kalichchikkaai
- Telugu:Gachchakaay
- Urdu:Akitmakit
- Unan:Karanjwaa.
- Siddha:Kazharchikkaai
Therapeutic constituents
Seeds contain bitter substance phytosterenin, bonducin, saponin, phytosterol, fixed oil, starch and sucrose. Seeds also contain ?, ?, ?, ? and ? caesalpins
Ayurvedic Properties and Action on body
In Ayurveda Latakaranj beej are used in treatment variety of diseases such as swelling, piles, cough, nausea, tumour, skin diseases, diabetes, gout, etc. The seeds are taken in dose of 1-3 grams for medicinal purpose.
Rasa (Taste):Tikta/Bitter, kashaya/Astringent
Guna (Characteristics):Laghu/Light, Ruksha/Dry
Virya (Potency):Ushna/Hot
Vipaka (Post Digestive Effect):Katu/Pungent
Effects on Tridoshas (Humor):Pacifies all the three doshas
Traditional Medicinal uses
Caesalpinia bonducella is used in traditional medicine system for treatment of wide variety of ailments. The seeds of plant has anthelmintic, fever reducing, abortion stimulating, menstrual flow improving, urine stimulating, adaptogenic, antimicrobial, muscle contractile and abdominal pain relieving properties. They also checks nausea and vomiting when used in combination with clove or black pepper.
For fever, the seed powder is mixed with equal part black pepper powder. The prepared mix powder is taken in dose of 15-30 grains by adults and 3-4 grains by children.
In liver disorders, seed powder is administered with goat milk.
In case of abdominal pain 2-3 seeds of plant are crushed to make powder and administered orally.
The seed powder reduces blood sugar level and taken with water for treatment of diabetes.
Seed and long pepper powders with honey has good expectorant effect and given in cold, cough and respiratory illness.
An oil prepared from seeds and castor oil is applied externally on hydrocele.
The leaves of Caesalpinia bonducella plant are also used to treat diarrhoea in animals. Handful of leaves are given to animal in paste form till loose motions are stopped.